Beef Manti with Yoghurt Beetroot Sauce

The Recipe

Serves: 4-6 people
Preparation: 60 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Manti is a popular dish in Turkey and other parts of Central Asia and the Middle East, and it is often enjoyed as a main course or as part of a larger spread of meze (appetizers). The dish has a long history and is believed to have originated in the region of Central Asia that is now modern-day Uzbekistan.

What is a dumpling?

Dumpling. “A small ball of dough cooked and eaten with soup or meat, or a filling of fruit, meat, or vegetables covered with dough and steamed, baked, or fried. “Cambridge Dictionary

It is an extremely broad definition, however exciting as dumplings are filled with a whole world of endless combinations and possibilities. It is safe to say that most countries have their own versions of the above definition – empanadas in Argentina, dumplings in China, Pierogi in Poland and even Spaetzle in Germany.

The History of Dumplings

The second Imperial Dynasty in China (206BC-220AD) also known as the Han Dynasty, was the period when dumplings were apparently invented. The story of Zhang Zongjian, a renowned Chinese medicine practitioner, developed the dumpling or Jiaozi after seeing the people of his village ailed by frostbite, particularly around their ears.

His magical cure was dumplings the shape of ears, filled with meat, chilli and medicinal herbs. Those inflicted by illness were instructed to have these dumplings in hot soup twice a week which eventually cured them – the dumplings were so delicious that the villagers continued to make them in future winters to come.

The presence of dumplings was prevalent in 13th Century Turkey and were named “Manti”. These Manti were brought to Central Turkey by Mongol horseman. These dumplings were either dried or frozen, making it easy to transport and convenient to boil and eat wherever the horsemen camped on their journey towards Anatolia.

Gnocchi, in the form of a crumbed bread and water dough was first around in the Renaissance period in Italy. This was the first documented evidence of ‘dumplings’ in Europe.

Dumplings were originally a resourceful way to stretch out expensive proteins by bulking it up the with vegetables such as cabbage and potatoes and then wrapping up the filling in a heavy dough resulting in an economical tasty parcel of food for many. Each country around the world has their own take on the humble dumpling.

No matter what country we turn to or what time in history post Han Dynasty, the world has been enjoying and developing their own style of dumplings making each dish unique in cooking technique, ingredients used and various styles. Enjoyed with tea, in soup, in desserts or on their own, there is not one person in this world that could not love at least one type of dumpling.

I have gone back in time to Turkey and created a dish based loosely on the Manti dumpling. Adding my favourite spice – cumin and a Southern Italian flair with the inclusion of raisins and pine nuts. The sauce is usually yoghurt based with chilli oil, however I have added some roasted beetroot for a wonderful touch of colour. It requires some patience to make the dumplings, but I guarantee the results will be definitely worth it!



250g plain flour
1 medium egg
2 tsp olive oil
¼ tsp salt
100mls cold water

4g/1 clove garlic
300g beetroot
80g Greek yoghurt
¼ tsp salt
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp fresh dill

200g minced beef
20g raisins, chopped
15g toasted pine nuts, chopped
½ tsp salt
¾ tsp ground cumin
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp paprika
1 tbsp olive oil
50g red onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped dill

Chilli oil
Black sesame seeds
Thick Greek yoghurt


  1. In an electric mixer with paddle attachment, mix flour, salt, olive oil and egg.

  2. Mix until combined and then slowly add in the cold water. Mix until the dough is smooth, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

  3. Wrap the whole beetroot, skin and all in aluminium foil and bake in the oven at 180’ for 1 hour or until the beet is cooked through (insert knife to check). Allow to cool, peel the beetroot and roughly chop into 2cm pieces.

  4. In boiling water blanch the peeled garlic clove for a few minutes. Blend beetroot, garlic, yoghurt, salt, olive oil and dill then strain the mixture, making sure all lumps are out of the sauce.

  5. For the beef filling, mix all ingredients together in a large bowl, set aside.

  6. When the dough is ready, take out and roll into a 3mm thick rectangle. Using a sharp knife, cut squares about 2cm in length.

  7. Place a small amount of the filling in the centre of the squares. Pinch dough together from the sides to the centre to form a cross shape at the join of the manti. If the dough has trouble sticking together, moisten the edges with a small amount of water.

  8. Make sure the joins are completely sealed so the manti doesn’t burst when cooked. Repeat until all the dough and filling has been used. Set in the fridge until ready to cook.

  9. Boil a large pot of salted water. Place in manti carefully, do not overcrowd the saucepan and allow them to float to the top. When they are ready, take the manti out with a slotted spoon and rest on a plate.

  10. Slightly warm the beetroot sauce and place at the bottom of a shallow dish. Place the manti on the sauce and garnish with a few blobs of thick yoghurt, black sesame seeds, dill sprigs and a drizzle of chilli oil.

  11. This dish can be served at room temperature

Beetroot & Cumin Soup


The Recipe

Serves: 2 people
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Eating a variety of colours every day and making your plate colourful will ensure you have a variety of nutrients to balance out your meal. No need to get too technical with nutrition.. just look at your plate and if it looks bland – ADD MORE COLOUR!!


I love stumbling upon naturally coloured purple fruits or vegetables. As well as looking stunning in a dish they are packed with lots of stuff that’s good for you!!! From purple carrots in Australia, purple cabbage in Mexico and purple broccoli in Sicily…. I love to paint my plate with colour!!!

We are surrounded by colours each and every day and colour psychology plays a huge role in our lives. White is known worldwide as the symbol of peace, sincerity and purity. Red (my favourite colour) is exciting, evoking feelings of lust and love (think Valentines Day). If we are happy and are in a good mood we are more likely to dress in bright and colourful clothes, if it is dark and cold outside, we tend to wear blacks, greys and browns.
The same principle of colour can apply to the foods we eat. Eating a variety of colours everyday and making your plate colourful will ensure you have a variety of nutrients to balance out your meal. No need to get too technical with nutrition.. just look at your plate and if it looks bland – ADD MORE COLOUR!!

Phytochemicals (antioxidants, phytonutrients, flavones, catechins) are found in all plant foods; fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes. They help plants by protecting them from environmental toxins such as insects, UV radiation and fungi that causes diseases. It is believed that these components of phytochemicals have the same benefits to the human body.
Today we are making a simple purple soup which wasn’t lonely with a side of Manoush Bread. It is easy to prepare (that is if you don’t have an explosion of soup mid way, in which case you could be cleaning up for a good hour) and can keep in your fridge up to about a week.
So, a bit about the red/purple group of fruits and vegetables….

 Reds & Purples

This colour group of foods contain anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants that are know to boost brain activity, possess anti-inflammatory properties, may cut down heart disease and stroke by inhibiting clot formation and can also promote healthy aging of the eyes.
Examples: Aubergine, Beetroot, Berries (blackberries, blueberries, redcurrants etc), Cherries, Chillies, Plums, Prunes, Purple or red grapes, Red apples (with skin), Red cabbage, Red pears (with skin), Red peppers, Red wine, Strawberries, Cranberries



2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp sea salt
15g/ 1 tblsp butter
85g/ 1/4 white onion, roughly chopped
2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
400g/ 1 large beetroot, peeled and cut into cubes
400 mls/2 cups water
stalks from the parsley leaves, finely chopped
handful of parsley leaves
40g/2 generous tblsp cream
1 tsp pepper, ground coarsely


  1. Toast the cumin seeds in a dry deep saucepan or pot until they become fragrant.

  2. Add butter, onion, garlic and parsley stems. Stir and cook until the onions are clear.

  3. Now add the chopped beetroot and stir for a good 5 minutes and add the salt

  4. Pour the two cups (400mls) of water into the pot. Cover and cook on a medium heat for 20-30 minutes until the beetroot becomes soft.

  5. Allow to cool slightly before transferring to the blender.
    Blend the soup a bit at a time to ensure it is a smooth texture.

  6. Be careful to hold the lid and don’t poke anything in the blender to try and mix the soup. Otherwise, it will be disastrous....!!!!

  7. For the peppered parsley cream, mix cream, finely chopped parsley, pepper and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix until all the ingredients are well combined

  8. Serve the soup warm with a good dollop of cream – might also be enjoyable dipping some MANOUSH bread in it…